Sunday, December 18, 2011

Things that I resolve to do, might do, or might never do even though I genuinely intend to do:

-Read more books.

-Paint more paintings.

-Write more stories.

-Love more openly.

-Savor more food.

-Drink wine slower.

-Kiss more often.

-Listen to more music.

-Allow myself to be calm and thoughtful.

-Let words flow out regardless of their power or significance or subtlety or sophistication because sometimes a girl just needs to get it all out.

-Stop being pragmatic, if just for a little while.

-Stop second-guessing, self-censoring, debating so vehemently against my gut reaction. I have all the time in the world to edit, to refine, to know my words better in hindsight than I did in the moment. If I don't write them down now, though, there will be nothing to reflect upon.

-Set aside time to just think, to be alone (truly alone) and create my own perception of the world.

-Remind myself that my life is just beginning. Life is too short to contemplate death as a punishment. Ends are not always frightening or terrible or unwanted. What I consider to be the worst fate imaginable in my mind today will not be my largest fear tomorrow. There will always be fear and apprehension and tears and sad music, but they will change.

-Try to shed the old fears as I gain new ones, as new fears are inevitable.

-My life isn't for other people. I can't live for other people.

-Recognize that these words, years from now, may seem trivial or foolish to an older, more poised version of myself; what matters, though, is that I felt compelled to write them down today. I haven't written for myself in years; this is a big thing. God, I hope this makes me better.

-Strive for bliss, not contentedness.

-Realize that every new day that I live brings with it more knowledge than I had the day before; I know more about life and the people around which I exist than I did yesterday.

-Determine my personal expectations, rather than adhere to the societal, familial, or political ones.

-Remind myself that the tragedies I have experienced and will experience may never compare to others. I never want my tragedies to somehow match up to those who are face war, poverty, torture, death, hunger and pain on a daily basis; if they do, the best way to continue is to learn from them, to channel them, and to move on if I can.

-This is the beginning, even if tomorrow is the end.